Friday, April 10, 2009

Dog Bite Keamanan

Memelihara anjing sebagai hewan peliharaan telah ditunjukkan untuk manfaat kesehatan mental dan fisik pada kedua anak-anak dan orang dewasa. They can be wonderful companions and the interactions experienced by growing up with a dog can offer many positives to child development. Mereka dapat menjadi sahabat-sahabatnya indah dan interaksi yang dialami oleh berkembang dengan anjing dapat menawarkan banyak positif untuk perkembangan anak.

Along with these positive aspects, however, is a negative side. Seiring dengan aspek positif, namun merupakan sisi negatif. Each year, about one million people report having been bitten by a dog. Setiap tahun, sekitar satu juta orang yang telah lapor digigit anjing. It is estimated that another million people experience a bite, but fail to report it. Hal ini diperkirakan satu juta orang yang mengalami gigitan, tetapi tidak melaporkannya. It has also been shown that about 60% of the dog bite victims are children, boys between the ages of 6 and 9. Ia juga telah menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 60% dari korban gigitan anjing adalah anak-anak, anak laki-laki antara usia 6 dan 9. Most of these bites on children occur on the face, and the dog bite injuries can cost insurance companies hundreds of millions of dollars. Sebagian besar anak-anak pada gigitan terjadi pada wajah, dan luka gigitan anjing dapat biaya perusahaan asuransi ratusan juta dolar. In 1996, for example, $250 million was spent, and because of this, many companies do not offer coverage to dog owners whose dog has severely bitten someone. Pada tahun 1996, misalnya, $ 250 juta telah dikeluarkan, dan karena itu, banyak perusahaan tidak menawarkan jangkauan ke pemilik anjing yang memiliki berat digigit anjing seseorang. In order to prevent a costly setback because of a dog bite, it is a good idea to learn how a dog’s behavior is influenced, how to prevent aggressive behavior, and what to do if you find yourself around an aggressive dog. Untuk mencegah kemerosotan mahal karena gigitan anjing, adalah ide yang baik untuk mempelajari bagaimana anjing dari perilaku dipengaruhi, bagaimana mencegah perilaku agresif, dan apa yang harus dilakukan jika Anda menemukan sekitar anjing yang agresif.

There are a variety of things that influence a dog’s behavior, including inherited traits, the type of situations and stress the mother sees during pregnancy, and the type of socialization/training the puppy gets once it is born. Ada berbagai hal yang mempengaruhi anjing dari perilaku, termasuk warisan traits, jenis situasi dan stres melihat ibu selama kehamilan, dan jenis sosialisasi / pelatihan yang puppy gets setelah lahir. The only one of these influences that humans are easily able to control is the puppy stage. Satu-satunya pengaruh ini adalah manusia yang dapat dengan mudah untuk mengontrol adalah puppy panggung. The critical age for young dogs to learn socialization skills is between three and fourteen weeks. Penting untuk anak usia anjing untuk mempelajari keterampilan sosialisasi adalah antara tiga dan empat belas bulan. The opportunity for positive interactions with children and others can influence the dog’s future greatly during this time. Kesempatan untuk positif interaksi dengan anak-anak dan lain-lain dapat mempengaruhi anjing dari masa depan sangat selama ini. Some other basic guidelines for raising a puppy to be non-aggressive are as follows. Beberapa panduan dasar untuk meningkatkan puppy yang menjadi non-agresif adalah sebagai berikut.

1. 1. Expose the puppy to children of all ages while it is young. Paparan yang puppy untuk anak-anak dari segala usia ketika sedang muda. No two children act or sound the same, and the more exposure they receive the better. Tidak ada dua anak-anak bertindak atau suara yang sama, dan lebih terekspos mereka yang menerima lebih baik. Continue this until the puppy is at least one year old. Terus sampai puppy ini adalah minimal satu tahun. This is probably the best way to create a dog that interacts well with most people. Ini mungkin adalah cara terbaik untuk membuat anjing yang berinteraksi dengan baik dengan kebanyakan orang.

2. 2. Wait to have a family first, and then obtain a dog. Menunggu untuk memiliki keluarga pertama, kemudian memperoleh anjing. It is better for a dog to be introduced to a new family than have a child be introduced to a dog who has been living with the parents for a while. Lebih baik untuk anjing yang akan diperkenalkan kepada keluarga baru daripada mempunyai anak akan diperkenalkan kepada anjing yang telah hidup dengan orang tua untuk sementara waktu.

3. 3. Involve children in any obedience training, feeding, grooming, and walking. Melibatkan anak-anak dalam ketaatan pelatihan, makan, dandan, dan berjalan kaki. Both the child and dog can benefit from this. Kedua anak dan anjing bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari ini. Dogs learn appropriate behavior and to respect these children. Anjing belajar sesuai perilaku dan menghormati anak-anak ini. The children learn to use rewards to encourage behavior instead of punishment, which can help them in areas not only restricted to dogs. Anak-anak belajar untuk menggunakan imbalan untuk mendorong perilaku daripada hukuman, yang dapat membantu mereka di daerah tidak hanya dibatasi untuk anjing.

4. 4. Teach others to recognize the signs of aggression in dogs. Mengajar orang lain untuk mengenali tanda-tanda agresi di dogs. A fearful dog will have its ears back and its tail low. J takut anjing akan memiliki belakang telinga dan ekor rendah. Aggression will show through growling, bared teeth, and a stiff body. Agresi akan muncul melalui growling, bared gigi, dan tubuh kaku. In contrast, a relaxed dog will have ears forward or sideways. Sebaliknya, yang santai anjing akan memiliki telinga maju atau miring.

5. 5. Encourage friendly retrieval games such as fetch, or hide-and-seek with a toy rather than aggressive games like tug-of-war. Mendorong ramah media permainan seperti mengambil, atau main sembunyi-sembunyian dengan mainan daripada permainan agresif seperti tarikan-of-perang.

6. 6. Always supervise when a dog is interacting with young children. Selalu mengawasi ketika anjing adalah interaksi dengan anak-anak muda.

If an encounter with an unknown or aggressive dog does occur, some basic tips for both children and adults include the following. Jika menemukan dengan yang tidak dikenal atau agresif anjing tidak terjadi, beberapa tips dasar untuk kedua anak-anak dan orang dewasa adalah sebagai berikut.

1. 1. Never approach an unknown dog, whether it is roaming on a street, fenced in a yard, or injured. Never pendekatan anjing yang tidak dikenal, apakah itu menjelajah di jalan, di halaman berpagar, atau cedera.

2. 2. Always ask an owner for permission before petting a dog. Selalu meminta izin untuk seorang pemilik sebelum hastakarya anjing.

3. 3. If an aggressive dog approaches, stand still and do not make eye contact. Jika pendekatan yang agresif anjing, masih berdiri dan tidak melakukan kontak mata. Running or making loud noises may only aggravate or excite the dog even more, resulting in a bite. Berjalan atau membuat suara keras atau mungkin hanya memperburuk anjing yang menggairahkan bahkan lebih, sehingga dalam bite.

4. 4. Look around for the owner of a wandering dog, and wait until the owner can restrain the dog before continuing on. Untuk melihat-lihat pemilik sebuah petualangan anjing, dan menunggu sampai pemilik dapat membatasi pada anjing sebelum melanjutkan.

5. 5. Never pet a dog that is busy or unaware of your presence, such as one eating, chewing on a toy, or sleeping. Never pet anjing yang sibuk atau kurang menyadari tentang keberadaan Anda, seperti satu makan, permen pada mainan, atau tidur.

6. 6. Most importantly, stay calm and don’t panic. Paling penting, tetap tenang dan jangan panik. If a bite does occur, seek medical attention and try to find out if the dog has had a recent rabies vaccination. Jika tidak terjadi gigitan, mencari perhatian medis dan mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah anjing memiliki beberapa vaksinasi rabies. Report the event to animal control. Acara lapor ke hewan kontrol.

When choosing and raising a dog, the following points are important to consider as well. Bila memilih dan meningkatkan anjing, berikut ini adalah poin penting yang perlu dipertimbangkan juga.

1. 1. Obtain your dog from a reliable source. Anda mendapatkan anjing dari sumber terpercaya. Research breeds and characteristics so you can choose a dog that fits your needs and lifestyle. Penelitian dan karakteristik breeds sehingga Anda dapat memilih anjing yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan gaya hidup.

2. 2. Dog training classes that teach normal behavior, training, and how to prevent future problems are extremely beneficial for a puppy. Kelas-kelas pelatihan anjing yang mengajarkan perilaku normal, pelatihan, dan bagaimana mencegah masalah di masa mendatang akan sangat bermanfaat untuk puppy. Start these when the dog is young, and training through the dog’s life will be much easier. Mulai saat ini adalah anjing muda, dan pelatihan melalui anjing kehidupan akan lebih mudah.

3. 3. Spaying or neutering a dog can decrease aggressive behavior greatly. Spaying atau neutering anjing dapat menurunkan perilaku sangat agresif. It reduces aggression in males, and saves females from many medical issues. It mengurangi agresi dalam laki-laki, dan menyelamatkan perempuan dari berbagai masalah medis.

4. 4. Make sure all your dog’s vaccinations are up to date. Pastikan semua vaksinasi anjing yang up-to-date.

5. 5. License your dog and follow the leash laws that are in place in your area. Anda lisensi anjing dan tali mengikuti hukum yang berada di tempat di wilayah Anda.

6. 6. Dogs are living things, and are therefore affected by things such as isolation, tiredness, hunger and thirst. Anjing adalah makhluk hidup, dan karena itu dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal seperti isolasi, tiredness, kelaparan dan kehausan. Providing for these things can affect aggression levels. Memberikan hal-hal ini dapat mempengaruhi tingkat agresi.

7. 7. Never leave a dog unattended with a child, or in an unfamiliar situation. Jangan tinggalkan anjing tanpa perawatan dengan seorang anak, atau dalam situasi yang asing. If a dog is fearful, biting may occur. Jika anjing adalah takut, bersanding mungkin terjadi.

8. 8. Start young with obedience. Mulai muda dengan ketaatan. Use the attitude of prevention for aggression, rather than waiting for it to happen and then trying to fix it. Gunakan sikap pencegahan untuk agresi, daripada menunggu sampai terjadi dan kemudian mencoba untuk memperbaikinya.

Aggression is not a cause for bad behavior in dogs; rather it is often times a symptom of other problems. Agresi bukan untuk menimbulkan perilaku buruk pada anjing, bukan itu sering kali gejala dari masalah lain. Only after assessing the cause of biting behavior, the risks, and the likely hood to bite again, can a dog be treated. Hanya setelah menilai penyebab bersanding perilaku, resiko, dan kemungkinan untuk gigitan hood lagi, anjing dapat diperlakukan. Behavior evaluations are available from most veterinarians, and if not, he/she can refer you to one that is able to offer such a service. Perilaku evaluasi yang tersedia sebagian besar dari dokter hewan, dan jika tidak, ia dapat merujuk Anda untuk yang satu ini dapat menawarkan layanan seperti ini. And although it is ideal to start young when trying to avoid aggression, older dogs can learn new tricks as well. Dan meskipun sangat ideal untuk memulai muda saat mencoba untuk menghindari agresi, lama anjing dapat mempelajari trik baru juga.


Tapeworms dan perawatan

Walaupun mereka mencoba untuk menyedot gizi dari makanan ingested oleh tuan rumah, umumnya mereka tidak melakukan apapun untuk membahayakan tuan rumah itu sendiri.

Tapeworms reside in the stomach and intestines of dogs, cats, humans and others animals. Tapeworms berada di perut dan intestines dari anjing, kucing, manusia dan hewan lain.
The worm’s body can be several feet in length, if not more. Cacing yang dapat tubuh beberapa kaki panjang, jika tidak lebih. Each segment of the body has the ability to reproduce and is passed in the animal's faeces, leaving the head still intact where it produces more segments. Setiap segmen tubuh memiliki kemampuan untuk menggandakan dan lulus dalam kotoran hewan, sehingga kepala masih utuh di mana memproduksi lebih segmen.

Common symptoms include: digestive problems, excessive or decreased appetite, poor hair and skin, weight loss and vague signs of abdominal discomfort. Umum gejala termasuk: masalah pencernaan, atau penurunan nafsu makan yang berlebihan, miskin rambut dan kulit, berat badan dan kabur tanda abdominal menguatirkan. The most common of all symptoms however is the 1/4 inch, white worms that may contract and expand in your pet's faeces. Yang paling umum dari semua gejala namun adalah 1 / 4 inch, putih cacing yang dapat berkembang di kontrak dan dari kotoran hewan peliharaan Anda. Or the seed-like dried segments in their pet's bedding area or attached to the hair around the pet’s anus. Atau benih-segmen kering seperti di pet seperai dari daerah atau yang melekat pada rambut dari hewan peliharaan di sekitar dubur.

As a general rule, tapeworm infection may not cause any noticeable signs in your pet, or it may only show some moderate signs of infection. Sebagai aturan umum, infeksi cacing pita tidak boleh menyebabkan ada tanda-tanda nyata di pet, atau mungkin hanya beberapa sedang menunjukkan tanda-tanda infeksi. An owner will take a pet for treatment, get vaccinations and tests for illness more serious than this parasite, but as soon as they see a segment or egg in the faeces, that pet can't get into the clinic soon enough! Pemilik akan mengambil pet untuk perawatan, mendapatkan vaksinasi dan tes untuk penyakit ini lebih parah dari parasit, tapi segera setelah mereka melihat segmen atau telur dalam kotoran, binatang peliharaan yang tidak bisa masuk ke dalam klinik segera cukup!

However disgusting it may be to find one of these segments, it is the best form of diagnosis there is since the eggs may not be found upon microscopic examination of the faeces by your veterinarian. Namun disgusting mungkin untuk menemukan salah satu dari segmen ini, adalah bentuk terbaik diagnosa ada sejak telur yang mungkin tidak ditemukan pada pemeriksaan mikroskopis dari kotoran oleh dokter hewan.

There is some good news; tapeworms are not passed directly from pet to pet, instead they require an intermediate host in which to develop. Ada beberapa kabar gembira; tapeworms tidak lulus langsung dari pet ke pet, sebagai gantinya mereka memerlukan intermediate host yang berkembang. They are not transmitted by direct contact but by ingestion of a host either while eating or grooming. Mereka tidak dikirim oleh kontak langsung tetapi oleh proses menelan dari host baik saat makan atau dandan.


Flea Tick dan Pencegahan untuk Anjing dan Kucing

Jika Anda terbaik berkaki empat-teman suka pergi ke luar rumah, cepat atau lambat anda akan harus berurusan dengan fleas and ticks. No matter where you live these miniscule menaces will find your pet and make their lives, and yours, quite uncomfortable in no time. Di mana pun Anda tinggal miniscule menaces ini Anda akan menemukan pet dan membuat kehidupan mereka, dan kami, sangat tidak nyaman dalam waktu. But even though fleas and ticks are often too small to see with the human eye you can do battle with them and win with ease. Tetapi walaupun fleas ticks dan sering terlalu kecil untuk melihat dengan mata manusia yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan peperangan dan mereka menang dengan mudah.

The first, and most obvious, telltale sign of flea and tick infestation is scratching. Pertama, dan paling jelas, tanda tanda flea tick dan kutu adalah goresan. If you notice your dog or cat constantly nipping or clawing at a part of their body, take notice. Jika anda melihat anjing atau kucing Anda terus yg menjepit clawing atau di bagian dari tubuh mereka, memperhatikan. Because fleas and ticks feed on blood a small scratch or break in the skin could, if infected, turn into a much more serious problem if not treated. Karena fleas ticks dan pakan darah pada awal kecil atau istirahat di kulit dapat, jika terinfeksi, menjadi lebih banyak masalah serius jika tidak dirawat. Compound this with the fact that fleas find an animal's warm furry body the perfect place to lay eggs and you can easily see why even a few of these awful parasitic critters are still a few critters too many. Kompleks ini dengan fakta bahwa fleas menemukan binatang berbulu tubuh hangat dari tempat yang tepat untuk bertelur dan Anda dapat dengan mudah melihat mengapa bahkan beberapa ini awful parasit critters masih beberapa critters terlalu banyak.

Not only are fleas and ticks dangerous for your pet, but most won't differentiate between feeding on your pet and feeding on you. Tidak hanya fleas ticks dan berbahaya bagi binatang peliharaan Anda, tetapi paling tidak akan membedakan antara makan pada binatang peliharaan dan makanan pada Anda. Without even realizing, Fido or Fluffy can bring those nasty little passengers into the house where they may choose to get into carpets and upholstery. Bahkan tanpa mewujudkan, Fido atau Fluffy dapat membawa orang-orang mesum sedikit penumpang ke rumah di mana mereka dapat memilih untuk masuk ke dalam permadani dan kain pelapis. With their ability to jump up to six feet in a single leap, a single flea can make it from the front door to every corner of your house in no time and pose a health hazard to the entire family. Dengan kemampuan mereka untuk melompat ke atas enam kaki dalam satu melompat, satu flea bisa dari depan pintu ke setiap sudut rumah Anda dalam waktu dan berpose bahaya kesehatan kepada seluruh keluarga.

So what can you do to prevent flea and tick problems? Jadi apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mencegah dan flea tick masalah? Some people prefer giving their pets a good old-fashioned flea bath at the first sign of infestation. Sebagian orang lebih suka memberikan mereka hewan peliharaan yang baik kolot flea mandi di pertama tanda kutu. Unfortunately, some flea bath chemicals, though strong enough to kill most of the critters, may not get rid of pesky eggs or larva that may be nestled away under the upper layer of your pet's delicate skin. Sayangnya, beberapa flea kimia mandi, walaupun cukup kuat untuk membunuh sebagian besar critters, tidak boleh membuang sial telur atau jentik-jentik yang mungkin nestled jauh di bawah lapisan atas Anda pet's rumit kulit. A more effective and even simpler solution is to use a topical flea and tick preventative like Frontline Plus, Advantix, or Advantage. Yang lebih efektif dan bahkan lebih sederhana adalah dengan menggunakan solusi yang hangat dan flea tick preventif seperti Frontline Plus, Advantix, atau Advantage. Generally, these types of flea and tick medications come in small plastic single-use applicator tubes that can be easily dispersed along your pet's skin. Umumnya, jenis obat kutu dan tick datang di satu-kecil plastik tabung menggunakan alat yang dapat dengan mudah buyar bersama pet dari kulit Anda. The way it works is quite simple. Cara kerjanya cukup sederhana. With some you just place the applicator tip through the animal's hair to the skin level between the shoulder blades and then apply the entire contents of the applicator in a single spot to the animal's skin. Anda hanya dengan beberapa tempat di ujung alat melalui hewan rambut ke kulit tingkat antara bahu blades dan kemudian menerapkan seluruh isi alat dalam satu tempat ke kulit hewan. With others, you squeeze the applicator while tracing a line down your pet's back. Dengan yang lain, anda memencet alat yang sementara pelacakan garis bawah Anda pet back.

Rest assured, though the chemicals used in flea and tick preventatives are harsh on unwanted parasites, they are gentle on your pet. Yakin, walaupun bahan-bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam kutu dan tick preventatives yang tajam pada parasit yang tidak diinginkan, mereka lemah lembut pada pet. A single dose of any good flea and tick preventative can not only repel and kill fleas, ticks and mosquitoes but most will also kill 98-100% of larvae and eggs within 24-48 hours. Satu dosis any flea tick pencegahan dan tidak hanya dapat mengusir dan membunuh fleas, ticks dan nyamuk tetapi sebagian besar juga akan membunuh 98-100% dari larvae dan telur dalam waktu 24-48 jam. Some pets may experience some temporary irritation at the site of product application. Beberapa hewan peliharaan mungkin mengalami gangguan sementara pada beberapa situs produk aplikasi. If signs persist or become more severe within a few days of application, consult a veterinarian immediately. Jika tanda-tanda atau bersikeras menjadi lebih parah dalam beberapa hari setelah aplikasi, segera berkonsultasi dengan dokter hewan.

Best of all you don't have to spend an arm and a leg (or a paw!) to keep Fido or Fluffy safe. Terbaik dari semua, Anda tidak perlu menghabiskan satu lengan dan kaki (atau cakar!) Untuk menjaga atau Fido Fluffy aman. You can find the cheapest prices for flea and tick medications like Frontline, Advantix, Advantage, Revolution and Sentinel at, plus get an additional 10% discount off these already low prices when you use 1800PetMeds coupon code "WEEK" at checkout. Anda dapat menemukan harga termurah untuk kutu dan tick Frontline seperti obat, Advantix, Advantage, Revolution dan Sentinel di, plus mendapatkan tambahan diskon 10% off ini sudah harga rendah bila Anda menggunakan kode kupon 1800PetMeds "MINGGU" di checkout.

Don't let fleas and ticks become a menace. Jangan biarkan fleas ticks dan menjadi ancaman. Attack the problem before it becomes one. Serangan sebelum masalah itu menjadi satu. Use flea and tick preventatives on your dog or cat. Gunakan preventatives tick dan kutu pada anjing atau kucing. Your four-legged best friend will sleep better and so will you. Anda berkaki empat terbaik teman akan tidur lebih baik dan seterusnya akan anda.


Mengapa Pembelian Pet Supplies Online

Apakah mereka memiliki burung, kucing, anjing atau Iguana, bangga timangan orangtua sering membawa mereka ke toko hewan peliharaan yang diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan ini demografis. These pet stores can also be a place to socialize for pet owners as well as a locale for animals to meet and befriend animals. Pet toko ini juga dapat menjadi suatu tempat sosialisasi untuk pet pemilik serta lokal untuk hewan untuk memenuhi dan melindungi binatang.

This fun and friendly environment can make individuals overlook the fact that many of the items in these stores are outrageously over priced. Ini menyenangkan dan ramah lingkungan dapat membuat individu mengabaikan fakta bahwa banyak item di toko yang sangat over priced. Besides, taking one's pet to the park can help provide the human and animal social interaction that one may need just as well. Selain itu, mengambil satu dari pet ke taman dapat membantu menyediakan sumber daya manusia dan hewan interaksi sosial yang satu hanya mungkin perlu juga.

The reality is, in tough economic times, it would be foolish to throw good money after bad for atmosphere. Kenyataannya adalah, dalam ekonomi sulit kali, ia akan bodoh untuk membuang uang baik setelah buruk bagi suasana.
Savvy modern pet lovers have learned that the web has plenty to offer in the realm of pet supplies and at discounted prices that allow you to save money while taking care of your pets needs. Savvy modern pet lovers pelajari web yang telah banyak menawarkan di bidang pet pasokan dan potongan harga yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan uang sekaligus tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan hewan peliharaan Anda.

Internet shopping - the future wave has come Belanja internet - masa depan gelombang telah datang

The modern day convenience of the internet cannot be understated. Kenyamanan modern hari dari internet tidak dapat understated. Where else can you research a term paper, get a dose of national news and purchase a pair of shoes all in one fell swoop? Di mana lagi Anda dapat penelitian istilah kertas, mendapat dosis berita nasional dan membeli sepasang sepatu dalam satu kali kejadian?

When the Internet was first introduced, it was called the information superhighway, but fairly soon pundits were predicting that e-commerce would become the wave of the future. Ketika internet pertama kali diperkenalkan, disebut informasi superhighway, tetapi cukup segera pundits were predicting e-commerce yang akan menjadi gelombang masa depan. Despite a shaky start up, Internet business did flourish. Walaupun mulai goyah atas, Internet bisnis yang berkembang.

Because of a lack of tremendous overhead, these companies can offer merchandise at enormous savings to consumers. Karena kurangnya overhead besar, maka perusahaan ini dapat menawarkan barang dagangan di tabungan besar untuk konsumen. People can obtain pet supplies and related items by investigating the Internet businesses that provides these products. Orang dapat memperoleh pasokan pet dan item terkait oleh menyelidiki Internet usaha yang menyediakan produk tersebut.

Yet and still, the uninitiated may wonder how safe it is to purchase online and question if what they are getting is high quality. Namun dan tetap, yang mungkin bertanya-tanya bagaimana uninitiated aman adalah untuk pembelian online dan pertanyaan apa jika mereka memperoleh kualitas yang tinggi.

Secure Socket Layer certificates Secure Socket Layer sertifikat

During the Internet's infancy, people were unaware of the dangers hacker represented. Selama masa kanak-kanak dari internet, orang-orang tak menyadari bahaya yang diwakili hacker. They soon learned the hard way however after highly intelligent and sophisticated net users obtained information like credit card numbers and other personal info. Mereka segera belajar cara yang keras namun setelah sangat cerdas dan canggih bersih pengguna diperoleh informasi seperti nomor kartu kredit dan informasi pribadi lainnya. This illegally obtained information was used to purchase items and max out credits cards, but because the technology was new at the time, innocent victims were left footing the bill. Informasi yang diperoleh secara ilegal ini telah digunakan untuk membeli item dan max out kartu kredit, namun karena teknologi baru yang pada saat itu, korban bersalah kiri pijakan bonnya.

This is why Netscape devised Secure Socket Layer or SSL s certificates. Hal ini mengapa dibuat Netscape Secure Socket Layer atau SSL s sertifikat. Used to encrypt messages, these certificates protect your information by making it unintelligible to would be hackers. Digunakan untuk mengenkripsi pesan, sertifikat ini melindungi informasi sehingga tak dpt dipahami untuk akan hacker. Even those of some skill cannot break these complex codes. Bahkan beberapa dari mereka tidak dapat merusak keterampilan ini kompleks kode.

With this in mind, you can rest assured that your identity and your credit card numbers are protected. Dengan ini, anda dapat yakin bahwa Anda istirahat identitas dan nomor kartu kredit Anda dilindungi. Just be sure to locate the SSL certificate on the main webpage so you can verify its authenticity. Pastikan untuk menemukan sertifikat SSL utama pada halaman web sehingga Anda dapat memeriksa keasliannya. You can do this by clicking on the icon. Anda dapat melakukan ini dengan mengklik ikon. A date should pop up-if the date is not current, the site is not protected and you should move on. J pop up seharusnya tanggal-tanggal jika tidak sekarang, situs yang tidak dilindungi dan Anda harus melanjutkan.

Guaranteeing quality Menjamin kualitas

Individuals who use the Internet to do most of their shopping have learned a trick or two of the endeavor. Individu-individu yang menggunakan Internet untuk melakukan sebagian besar dari mereka yang telah belajar belanja trik atau dua dari berusaha. Foremost among these tricks is to ensure that the website offers contact information. Terutama di kalangan trik ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa situs web menawarkan informasi kontak.

If you can't easily find information on the site then it may not be legitimate. Jika Anda tidak dapat dengan mudah menemukan informasi di situs maka mungkin tidak sah. Always look for a physical address, email and phone number. Selalu mencari alamat fisik, email dan nomor telepon. If the site can't even provide that much information, it is suspect. Jika situs tidak dapat memberikan informasi yang banyak, maka tersangka.

Check all information out with the BBC prior to purchase. Memeriksa semua informasi dengan BBC sebelum membeli.

When you locate the info call, email the company and speak to a representative. Bila Anda menemukan info call, email perusahaan dan berbicara dengan seorang perwakilan. By doing this, you can assert that the business exists. Dengan melakukan ini, Anda bisa menegaskan bahwa ada usaha. You can also find a bit more about the inventory they carry as well. Anda juga dapat menemukan sedikit lebih lanjut mengenai inventarisasi mereka membawa juga.

Luckily 99.9 percent of businesses located online are legitimate and the more you buy pet products online the faster you will be able to ferret out the bogus businesses from the legitimate ones. Untungnya 99,9 persen dari bisnis online yang terletak sah dan semakin banyak hewan peliharaan Anda membeli produk online yang lebih cepat anda akan dapat menemukan yang palsu dari usaha yang sah.

Save on gas and money Menyimpan uang pada gas dan

With energy fluctuating and uncertainty about the future of bio fuels emerging, there is something to be said for limiting travel by car. Dengan energi berfluktuasi dan ketidakpastian mengenai masa depan bahan bakar bio muncul, ada sesuatu yang dapat dikatakan untuk membatasi perjalanan dengan mobil.

By purchasing your pet products via the internet you save on fuel costs. Anda pet oleh pembelian produk melalui internet Anda simpan pada biaya bahan bakar. You can also locate great bargains which, once again, enable you to save a bit of cash. Anda juga bisa menemukan barang murah yang besar, sekali lagi, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan sedikit uang. This is because there is less overhead with a internet business, especially one that doesn't have a free standing building to pay rent on - in fact, many of these businesses are run straight out of the home, with distribution coming from a third party seller. Hal ini terjadi karena selama kurang overhead dengan bisnis internet, terutama yang tidak memiliki bangunan yang berdiri bebas untuk membayar sewa pada - pada kenyataannya, banyak dari usaha ini dijalankan langsung dari rumah, dengan distribusi yang berasal dari pihak ketiga penjual.

This is often the less expensive route to go and the savings are literally passed on to the consumer. Hal ini sering kurang mahal rute untuk pergi dan tabungan yang benar-benar disampaikan kepada konsumen.
If you find a place where you get great pet supplies, top notch service, fast delivery and fair prices, stick with them - not all Internet companies are made equal and ones that offer these things should be bookmarked and used often. Jika Anda mencari tempat di mana Anda mendapatkan pet yang besar, kedudukan tertinggi layanan, pengiriman cepat dan harga yang wajar, dengan tetap mereka - tidak semua perusahaan Internet yang dibuat sama dan orang yang menawarkan hal-hal ini harus bookmarked dan sering digunakan.

Online research Riset online

Another positive aspect of buying pet supplies online is that you can research the products you'd like to buy and well as the company you wish to purchase the items from. Aspek positif lain untuk membeli perlengkapan pet online adalah anda dapat melakukan riset terhadap produk-produk yang ingin Anda beli dan juga perusahaan anda ingin membeli item dari.

For instance, if you wish to buy a cat carrier you can do a bit of comparison shopping or locate reviews that steer you towards more popular choices. Misalnya, jika Anda ingin membeli kucing operator yang dapat Anda lakukan sedikit perbandingan belanja atau meninjau lokasi yang menghalangi anda menuju lebih populer pilihan. You can also learn about the best more reliable places to buy pet related items online from other pet lovers. Anda juga dapat mempelajari tentang lebih tempat terbaik untuk membeli barang-barang yang berhubungan dengan binatang peliharaan online dari pecinta hewan peliharaan lainnya.

More time with your pet Lebih banyak waktu dengan hewan peliharaan

Running around town trying to locate necessities can seriously cut into quality time with your pet. Berjalan sekitar kota mencoba untuk mencari kebutuhan serius dapat dipotong menjadi kualitas waktu dengan binatang peliharaan. Purchasing pet supplies online saves time as well as money and allows you to stop and smell the roses with your trusted companion. Membeli perlengkapan pet online menghemat waktu serta uang dan memungkinkan Anda untuk menghentikan dan bau yang mawar dengan handai terpercaya.

There are so many reasons why buying pet supplies online is a good idea. Ada banyak alasan mengapa membeli perlengkapan pet is a good idea. For any neophyte who will be taking the plunge for the first time, trust your instincts. Untuk setiap orang baru yang akan mengambil risiko untuk pertama kalinya, Anda percaya instincts. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Jika tawaran sepertinya terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, itu adalah mungkin.

There are many wonderful sites to choose from in this regard and if you are diligent, you may open the door to a long term relationship with a wonderful pet supply store. Ada banyak sekali situs yang dapat dipilih dalam hal ini dan jika anda tekun, Anda dapat membuka pintu untuk sebuah hubungan jangka panjang dengan pasokan wonderful pet store. In turn, you will also free up time to enjoy the things that really matter in life. Sebaliknya, anda juga akan membebaskan waktu untuk menikmati hal-hal yang benar-benar masalah dalam kehidupan.


Menyiapkan Akuarium Air Garam Anda untuk Sukses

Yang paling penting menyiapkan tip anda dapat adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi sebanyak mungkin mengenai baik untuk tingkat PH air laut garam aquariums. No matter how pretty your set up is, if your water levels are out of control your marine life will not be alive for long. Tidak peduli bagaimana menyiapkan pretty Anda adalah, jika air yang keluar dari tingkat mengontrol kehidupan laut tidak akan hidup untuk jangka panjang. In general the larger the tank the less likely you are to have spikes in PH levels. Secara umum semakin besar pula tangki kurang kemungkinan Anda untuk memiliki sepatu berduri di tingkat PH. The minimum suggested size for a marine tank is 30 gallons and preferably higher. Minimum yang disarankan untuk ukuran laut adalah 30 galon tank dan lebih tinggi. Anything less than 30 gallons and you’ll spend as much time checking water quality as you do watching your fish. Apapun kurang dari 30 galon dan Anda akan menghabiskan banyak waktu memeriksa kualitas air yang Anda lakukan Anda menonton ikan. Maintaining proper salt levels will help to ensure you maintain a healthy environment for your under water world. Menjaga tingkat garam benar akan membantu untuk memastikan Anda memelihara lingkungan yang sehat bagi dunia di bawah air.

Lighting is also a major key in maintaining a healthy living environment for your marine life. Pencahayaan juga merupakan kunci utama dalam menjaga lingkungan hidup yang sehat bagi kehidupan laut. Most people who want a well-balanced salt-water tank want some level of a coral reef. Sebagian besar orang yang ingin seimbang garam-tangki air ingin beberapa tingkat dari terumbu karang. This is needed to sustain that balance. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mempertahankan bahwa keseimbangan. If you don’t want a reef then lighting is not as essential but if you do, then going with high bay lights as the systems will help you maintain the correct levels of UV for your aquarium. Jika Anda tidak ingin sebuah karang maka lampu tidak sebagai penting tetapi jika Anda melakukannya, maka yang terjadi dengan tinggi bay lampu sebagai sistem yang akan membantu anda menjaga benar tingkat UV untuk akuarium. You can buy commercial hoods complete with lower quality ballasts and brackets or you can buy lighting systems designed to light! Anda dapat membeli komersial atap mobil lengkap dengan kualitas rendah dan ballasts kurung atau anda dapat membeli sistem pencahayaan dirancang untuk cahaya! Most experienced reef owners will tell you that sit on top hoods pale in comparison to open tanks with high bay lighting that is suspended above the tank. Karang paling berpengalaman pemilik akan kirim Anda yang duduk di atas atap mobil pucat dibandingkan dengan bak terbuka dengan pencahayaan yang tinggi bay sementara di atas tangki. It causes less heating issues and also acts more like the sun (in the fact that it’s farther above the water, not right on top of it.) Most suppliers can also help you with setting up daytime lighting and nighttime lighting. It menyebabkan masalah kurang pemanasan dan juga bertindak seperti matahari (dalam kenyataan bahwa jauh di atas air, tidak tepat di atasnya.) Kebanyakan pemasok juga dapat membantu Anda dengan pengaturan pencahayaan siang hari dan malam hari pencahayaan. It’s been proven that marine life get just as much benefit from moonlight as they do sunlight. Ini telah membuktikan bahwa kehidupan laut seperti mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari bekerja sambilan sebagai sinar matahari yang mereka lakukan. For some reefs, moonlight is even more important than sunlight. Untuk beberapa reefs, moonlight bahkan lebih penting dari sinar matahari.

Once you have your reef, lighting and PH in place you’ll need to focus on filtering. Setelah Anda memiliki karang, lampu dan PH di tempat Anda harus fokus pada penyaringan. Freshwater aquariums require much less filtration than well balanced marine set ups need. Freshwater aquariums membutuhkan jauh lebih sedikit penyaringan seimbang baik dari laut set up perlu. Bacteria tanks are often employed to ensure the fish are getting the right amounts of bacteria. Bakteri tangki sering digunakan untuk memastikan ikan memperoleh hak jumlah bakteri. Skimmer filters and salt filters are also commonly used to ensure the conditions in the water are properly balanced. Skimmer dan filter filter garam juga digunakan untuk memastikan kondisi di dalam air adalah benar seimbang. This is one of the largest costs of owning a salt-water set up and will also be one of the most labor-intensive projects for your tank. Ini adalah salah satu biaya terbesar memiliki asin membuat dan juga akan menjadi salah satu yang paling intensif-tenaga kerja untuk proyek-proyek tangki. However as tedious as it may seem, proper filtration of the water is key to success. Namun sebagai membosankan karena tampaknya Mei, tepat penyaringan air adalah kunci keberhasilan.

Maintaining a marine tank will always be more labor intensive then a fresh water tank but you’ll rarely see anything in fresh water nature that compares to the majestic flow of marine life and coral reefs. Mempertahankan laut tangki akan selalu tenaga kerja lebih intensif maka tangki air tawar tapi Anda akan jarang melihat sesuatu di air tawar alam yang membandingkannya dengan megah aliran kehidupan laut dan terumbu karang. The benefits out weigh the work involved in maintaining a reef tank. Timbangkan manfaat dari pekerjaan yang terlibat dalam mempertahankan karang tangki.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Anacondas: Interesting Facts That Might Inspire You to See Them Live!

Anacondas have always aroused fear and sent chills down our spines through the ages. Just imagine, have you ever thought about anaconda eating people? Lately, their portrayal in Hollywood movies has resulted in people dreading them.

But what actually is the anaconda? Is it an organism to be really feared, or it's just fear factor just a tall tale? Here are some additional facts that may shade some light on what kind of a creature an anaconda actually has become through history and not from the Hollywood point of view:

The Term Anaconda:

Some people believe that the term "anaconda" is derived from the word "henakandeya". In the Sinhalese language, this means ‘a whip snake’ or ‘a thing with an enormous body’. Apart from this, the more accepted version is that the anaconda got its name from the Tamil word "anaikondran" which means ‘an elephant killer’.

Other than these two versions, people from different places have given the anaconda different names. The ancient Spaniards called it ‘Matatoro’ meaning ‘a bull killer’, the people of North America called it by the names of ‘sucuri’ and ‘yukumama’.

Did You Know about John Kricher? According to the expert John Kricher, the anaconda is the only natural predator that can prey on a Jaguar. The anaconda is the largest predator of the mammalian type in the whole of Arizona.

Contrary to the popular myth, anacondas do not prey on human beings. In fact, when an anaconda smells the scent of a human being it moves away from the place. So it’s not them that pose a danger to us, but it is we who are a threat to them.

An anaconda is a constrictor. It kills its prey by wrapping and constricting itself around its prey till the prey dies of asphyxiation or lack of air. The fangs of the anaconda are non-poisonous. They only help the anaconda to get a tight hold of the prey so that wrapping itself around the prey becomes easier.

Once the anaconda bites a prey, it coils around its victim and suffocates the animal. Every time the animal releases its breath, the coils tighten, thereby stopping the prey from breathing. Post that, the lifeless body is swallowed whole by the predator. The best aspect about an anaconda is the fact that it does not waste anything since it swallows the victim whole along with feathers, beak, horns, heels - everything.

So next time you see an Anaconda snake, do not be afraid - it is just a harmless, gentle giant that is trying to live its life. Then of course, if you try to make the animal perceive you will endanger its habitat – you’re surely in for a surprise.

Touching it while in the steps through South America will probably be one of those adventures available only in your mind, however, if you happen to be in such position and thinking of touching comes to your current state of mind – beware!

You’ve been caution and informed about these giant reptiles. As a reminder and closing, have you ever thought about an anaconda snake eating people? It probably will never happen, only in pictures or coming close to it – but there have never been a reported case.

Authors : Michael Gutemberg

Anaconda Snakes: Facts You May Never Want To Forget!

With its average length of more than 20 feet and weight that passes the mark of 550 pounds, the anacondas are no doubt the biggest snake that one can find in this planet. However there is one snake that gives the giant anaconda some competition in terms of length, and that other snake is the Asiatic Reticulated Python; in the scientific circles known as the "Python Reticulatus".

The longest Reticulated Python was measured to a length of 33 feet. A length of 33 feet may be gigantic, but even this python does not match up with the girth of the anaconda which is far bigger than that of the reticulated python. But make no mistake!

Anaconda snakes may not be the longest reptiles around, but they surely are the biggest in wide on averages that can be found in any given concentrated ratio across the world. The physic of a fully grown anaconda is extensive. The smooth body of this reptile is all muscles and nothing else. The anacondas make the use of their extreme muscular frame and strength to get hold of their prey.

Being a member of the constrictor family of reptiles, the anacondas first get hold of their prey using their sharp but non poisonous fangs. Then they coil themselves around the prey and make its kill by squeezing the entire amount of air out of the prey. The prey either dies of asphyxiation or is crushed to death, which makes their swallowing for the predator really easy.

The anacondas mainly feed on aquatic organisms, but it is also known to make wholesome meals of caimans, capybaras, deer, sheep and even jaguars. Owing to their extra large structure, these anacondas are slow moving creatures, so it mainly relies on its stealth mode and an element of surprise to catch its prey.

Anacondas are known to spend most of their lives in slow moving rivers, flooded forests and swamps. They are shy and solitary creatures that mind their own business unless they are hungry. This is the reason for them not being seen to often. The color of their skin which is of a dark green hue camouflages very well with their surrounding and adds up to their element of surprise in catching preys.

The anacondas are mostly found in the Amazon swamps of South America, and some explorers have even reported of witnessing anacondas of more than 100 feet. How far these reports are true no one knows as none of that size have be captured till date. Some experts use the skin of the anacondas measure the length of the reptiles, but this process is widely regarded as an inaccurate one.

The problem is, the skin or hide of these reptiles can be stretched or expanded with ease. So, numerous records by explorers claiming to have seen really gigantic anacondas should be taken with a pinch of salt. No matter how big or how small the anacondas are, the fact remains that they are very rare and beautiful creatures and are on the verge of extinction. So it’s our duty to protect them and not hunt them just for the sake of our curiosity and amusement, and the best form of protection that we can offer them is to leave them alone.

Authors : Michael Gutemberg

Some Common Mistakes in Training Your Dog

Probably any dog owner can tell you that training your dog isn't always as easy as it seems it should be. Most owners assume that after a few days or sessions of rehearsing commands and actions then the dog should just pick up on basic skills and that should be it. Many owners are surprised to find out that training your dog can take literally months depending on the dog, the owner, and what exactly is being taught. However sometimes there are common mistakes that dog owners make that are causing the process to take much longer and be much more difficult than it needs to be.

For one thing, it's good to remember that training your dog should be a positive experience for you and your dog. It's too easy for owners to get caught up in every little "mistake" that a dog makes and concentrates on punishing these mistakes rather than concentrating on rewarding a dog when she obeys or does something right. It's a very common mistake when training your dog to forget how much dogs crave that attention and approval from the owner and will do just about anything to get it. Concentrating on that, rather than on punishment, is going to be much more effective.

Another common mistake that you may be making when training your dog is thinking that you dog understands a word you're saying! Too many owners fail to realize that dogs have no memory and no grasp of language except to associate a few words with certain actions. If a dog has made a mess and you start yelling at her, she won't be able to connect your yelling with her mess. You need to actually catch a dog in the act of doing something wrong in order to properly correct her as she just cannot connect your words now with something she's done five hours ago or even five minutes ago. Don't make the mistake when training your dog of getting upset if she doesn't understand you or continues to make the same mistake if you're not catching her right then and there. Punishing her after the fact is pointless and ineffective.

And the last mistake you may be making when training your dog is getting excessively angry at her when she doesn't make the progress you think she should be making. Dogs are not spiteful and don't do things purposely to make you mad, so if she's not progressing as you think she should, either your expectations are unreasonable, you are making some other mistakes in training, or it's time to see a professional trainer. There's nothing wrong with asking a professional to help with training your dog and a pro may be able to show you some other mistakes you're making or help to readjust your expectations. Either way, by asking for this help in training your dog you're sure to not only be more successful but to also have a happier and calmer dog as well.

Authors : John Savage

Bird House Building

Building a bird house is a fun and easy project, something you can do by yourself or with your kids. And a bird house that is well-designed and well-placed can bring many years of enjoyment, for you and the birds!

Before going through the effort of building a bird house, you should consider a few things. What type of bird are you going to attract? Each species has its own needs for the size of the house, and the location where it is placed. You also need to make sure you're building for the types of birds that are in your area. Also, do you have a place on your property to place a bird house that will be enticing to birds? If its not located correctly, you won't get any tenants. Also, as a landlord, can you maintain the house? While not difficult, it is important if you want feathered tenants each year. Lastly, do you have the tools and skills to build one? Instead of building from scratch, you might decide to build from a kit, which will save you a lot of cutting and drilling.

Once you decide you want to build a bird house, you'll need to get a set of bird house plans. A general set of plans will be useful if you want to the same style house for different types of birds, as each species has its own unique requirements for the bird house size. You can find several websites that have these types of plans, along with detailed building instructions. The plans will show you what pieces you will need to cut and the dimensions of those pieces for the particular type of bird you are building for.

Next, you'll need to select your building materials. There are different material options for building a bird house, but for a do-it-yourself (DIY) option, wood is typically the way to go. You'll want wood that is decay resistant, like cedar or exterior plywood. You'll also need to assemble the parts using a good quality exterior wood glue, nails or screws, and possibly caulking. Keep in mind, too, that if you are building from scratch you will need a saw, drill, and a Forstner drill bit that will create the correct hole size for the particular bird house you are building. And no, you won't need a dowel for the perch. Predators will find a perch more useful than the birds will!

If you do decide to finish your bird house with paint or stain, be sure to only finish the outside, never the inside, of the house. The chemicals in finishing products can be harmful to baby birds.

Finally, you will need to decide how to mount and where to place your bird house. Depending on the species of bird, there are different mounting options. Some can be hung from a wire, some should be attached to a tree, and others should be placed on top of a pole. Where you locate the house is important, too. Birds have certain criteria, such as being near water, or in a shaded area or open field, and they won't inhabit a house that does not meet their criteria. A little research will pay off in this area.

The first rule is to know the bird you are building the house for. No bird house is guaranteed to attract feathered tenants, but a well-designed and well-placed house will certainly increase the likelihood of succ

Authors : Jason Hampton